
Kappa Kappa Psi is a fraternal organization that promotes the advancement of college and university bands through dedicated service and support to the bands; comprehensive education; leadership opportunities; and recognition; for the benefit of its members and society

Gamma Pi Value Statement

The Brothers at Purdue take the mission of Kappa Kappa Psi even further with specific chapter goals


Just as Purdue Bands and Orchestras creates a family on campus, Gamma Pi fosters a sense of community and forms a support network among brothers in our own chapter and other chapters.


Gamma Pi provides opportunities for individuals to grow as leaders, musicians, and brothers and in doing so helps our chapter maximize achievement and continuously strive for the highest.


Gamma Pi takes initiative by searching and finding ways to improve both chapter and the university bands and by routinely being prepared and anticipating others' needs.


Brothers of Gamma Pi strive to balance our passions for our professional disciplines with those for music, propel the chapter toward greater accomplishments, and instill the same attitudes within our community.


By closely following the purposes and ideals of Kappa Kappa Psi, Gamma Pi demonstrates integrity by serving as role models who display consistent, honorable character.

Get the Updates

Gamma Pi Alumni Association

Gamma Pi is proud to be one of 20 chapters of the fraternity to have an alumni association. Here, alumni can keep up with the latest service projects, learn about the new incoming class of brothers, and support Gamma Pi through donations.

The Arpeggio

Learn about what is going on with other chapters in the North Central District through The Arpeggio. Here you can learn about outstanding service projects, new member education, and ideas for benefit of all chapters. Check it out!

Keeping up with Gamma Pi

Want to know more about what the Brothers at Purdue are doing? Read the updates our Alumni Secretary publishes every month to hear about the Brother of the Week, ongoing service projects, and the new class of Brothers!